Get a mystery box of startup resources.

Sign up, and you'll get a heaping helping of startup resource goodness delivered to you on a monthly basis.

Sign up... or don't. It's up to you.

Here's what you'll get in every mystery box.

Startup Ideas

Three detailed ideas per month.

Every mystery box contains three detailed startup ideas that range in execution difficulty. One easy, one medium, and one hard idea.

Founder Stories

Exclusive videos from seasoned founders.

Each month you'll receive an exclusive video from startup founders offering up their most useful advice that they wish they knew when they were starting out.

Use this advice to get ahead.

Marketing Tips

Marketing doesn't have to be hard. We'll help.

Startup founders often suck at marketing, and this is why we include detailed marketing tips in every mystery box.

Take action on these tips, and grow your startup to new heights.


Starting a company requires a lot.

It's for this reason that we include unique resources that we think you'll find valuable in our startup journey.

From design files to angel investor databases, you never know what you might get each month. Just know that it'll be useful.

Perks & Discounts

Our users get exclusive perks and discounts.

Each month you'll receive exclusive discounts and offers for services and software that will be beneficial to you and your startup.

Often the amount of money you save with these is greater than that of your Startup Supply membership.

Discord Community

Get access to our private Discord server

Join like minded startup founders in the private Startup Supply Discord community. Get answers to your questions from founders that have already been there, and help others with your expertise.

Learn, grow, and succeed together.

This is how it works

It's so simple, this section of the website shouldn't even be here. But, then it'd look pretty bare.

1. Sign up

After signing up, you'll receive an email with a download link for last month's mystery box & a link to the private Discord server. Click both.

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2. Wait anxiously

Once per month, you'll receive a link to download the new mystery box. What will it be? When will it be? You'll have to wait and find out.

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3. Put it to use

This part is on you, and it's what separates those that succeed from those that give up and quit. Download the files, watch and read the content, and make shit happen.

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What people are saying about Tyler.

Eri L.


Tyler is an incredibly talented business leader with a fantastic ability to deal with difficult concepts. He is hard-working, motivated, ambitious, and working together has been lots of fun.

Rebecca V.


Tyler is a creative visionary and successful entrepreneur. I was fortunate enough to work with him for over two years at Motion Array.

Albert C.


Tyler is smart, driven, and has excellent interpersonal skills. I'm confident that whatever Tyler puts his mind to next will be a massive success...